
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Use SPServices in Nintex Form

Below are  the steps given to use famous jQuery SPServices in Nintex Forms

1. Open the minified SPServices file, in my case it is jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min.
2. Scroll down to the end of the file where you will see a line,
    return aK.test(ao(aM)[i.method](}})(jQuery);

3. Replace the term jQuery to NWF$
4. Save as the file in different name, NWF.min
5. Now upload the file to a SharePoint library and refer it in Nintex Form
6. Open Nintex Form settings, expand Advanced, and paste the url in "Custom Javascript Includes" section.
7. Expand Custom javascript and paste the below code.

8. Hit F12 and Preview the form.
9. If all the steps are followed, you can see the version of the SPServices file, in my case LOG: 2014.02 in the console.

Hope this helps. Cheers !