
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Azure Storage Container - Get blob/file names using PowerShell

We often create Azure storage containers to store files. These files could be for importing to your Office 365 blob or anything else. Below is a script that will help you generate the names of all files in your container. What you need to provide is the storage account name, container name and sas token of the container.

$StorageAccountName = 'o365'
$ContainerName = 'dev'
# Creates a storage context
$sasToken = 'Paste SAS token URL here'
$StorageContext = New-AzStorageContext $StorageAccountName -SasToken $sasToken
#listing the file names
$fileNames = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $StorageContext | select Name
$fileNames | out-file "D:\Raj\Log\FileNames.txt"

Sunday, June 21, 2020

OneDrive for Business - Issues and Fix

I have recently completed OneDrive to OneDrive migration and during the migration, there were several issues which I have encountered. I am trying to put together some of them below.

  1. Error Code: 0x8004deb4 : There was a problem signing you in. Login was either interrupted or unsuccessful. Please try logging in again. (Error Code: 0x8004deb4)

          Solution :
  1. Click on run > regedit
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OneDrive
  3. Search for EnableADAL key. If the key is available and the value isn’t 00000002, change it to 00000002.
  4. In the case that it is unavailable, create a new DWORD(32-bit value) and set the value to 00000002
  5. Close the registry and restart the laptop.
2. Error Code: 0x8004deea : 

  1. Click on start Menu > Run
  2. Type Regedit > Enter 
  3. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive|AllowTenantList and Search for your tenant ID. 
  4. If the tenant ID isn't available, create a new DWORD key and add your O365 tenant id.
  5. The change requires admin rights in the system and post addition, run the below steps.
  6. Go to command prompt and run Gpupdate /force
  7. Restart the machine.
3. Error Code: 0x8004deef

     The error code appears in the OneDrive client while logging in when OneDrive site isn't provisioned for the user. Please navigate to SharePoint user profile and check if the user has OneDrive site. If there isn't, provision OneDrive for the user.

4. Restrict OneDrive Personal Sync in your organization 

    Many organization do not realize that Microsoft offers OneDrive personal with Microsoft accounts and it is free up to 5 Gb. Users using OneDrive personal can sync their OneDrive personal data in organization devices and legal/security doesn't like that. To prevent OneDrive personal from syncing, we have to add a registry key. Navigate to the below and add a new key DisablePersonalSync and add value 1. 

To add the key in all machines, you need to take help from your SCCM team to update the registry using GPO.


5. Error code : 0x8004de69
     - Pause syncing the OneDrive
     - Close the OneDrive
     - Navigate to Control Panel -> Credential Manager -> Windows Credentials and delete all Generic Credentials containing OneDrive
     - Navigate to OneDrive website
     - Click Sync - this will open OneDrive in Windows and should resolve the issue